For the past two days I have managed to earn myself 400 bucks, by just being..there. Ok fine, its "pity" money. The fact that I'm going to Johor to continue my studies has somehow struck a chord in some of my aquaintance.
Gahh thats not nice. Granny's not an aquaintance.
But still its awesome and its not even Raya yet. I have 400 bucks to burn. anyone? Although, I'm not up to shopping this week since I'm leaving on Friday but I haven't even started buying things to pack. Why do I get the feeling that my future would be down to last minute packing?
Because I know it would be down to last minute packing.
Other things that I know is that overpacking is unavoidable. Sue me for wanting to be prepared. I hate it when I spend half an hour rummaging through my big bag only to find out that I left my electric kettle and gummy bears at home because I thought that I wouldnt need it. But then again, if I overpack I'd get laughed at. The last time I was in charge of packing was during my National Service stint. Everyone kept teasing me about my ginormous bag of stuff that could easily entertain a second world country.
Then again, my big bag got me noticed and got me lots of friends at camp. I owe it to my big bag for getting me the undivided attention from teachers and Kelantanese boys.
Anyway, we shall see.
At camp, during dinner. Friend : *refering to state pride* If kids from Kelantan hate kids from Perak and vice versa, who does the Selangor kids hate? Me : Selangor kids hate each other.
Got a call from UIA yesterday stating that I've been accepted to do Foundation in Law. At first I was like "Oooooh UIA...." then I was like "Law??!!".
After that, I was like "Nyeh."
I've already prepped myself to do Accounting in Johor. Suddenly offers like these come along and create havoc. Thing is, at first I was expecting a lot of offers from unis/colleges. But then, nothing came along. So I was hoping to atleast just get one. Then one came, and I jumped at the opportunity. I was excited and thankful. Later after that, five others came.
Now I'm just confused and a tad bit annoyed.
I'm still grateful of course. I'm not spoiled.. much. But then, it messes up my mind. I can't even sleep at night. Well, thats not exactly true but education/future/unis/colleges have been the last things on my mind before I actually sleep.
It used to be Chris Evans/cheesy wedges/iphone/the guy who got molested by a horse and died.
Anyway, I've made up my mind now. It was a hard choice to make. But I do still get paranoid sometimes. What if I start failing Accounting? What if I can't get along with my campus mates? What if Johor doesn't have slurpees?
Doesn't matter though. I always believe that everything happens for a reason. Any mistakes or failures can be mended.
Mishaps are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle--James Russell Lowell
Po: Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend --Kung Fu Panda (2008)
I just came back from watching Kung Fu Panda. Never planned it really. I thought of watching 'The Happening' but my brother insists on watching this. I never really complained since the only reason I went to the cinema was for the caramel popcorn.
The caramel popcorn did not dissapoint.
So did Kung Fu Panda. It was heck funny. Cheesy and cliche is all part of the package. Its an animated film for god sakes. You don't expect it to be as intricate as Napoleon Dynamite now would you.
Either way, I recommend it. You may not be the friendliest animated film viewer, but you'll surely enjoy this one.
On to more pressing matters. I'm quite confused with UiTM's way of settling bills and what nots. Why can't you just go to the counter and pay? Also found out that my campus only has 200 students compared to the campus in Shah Alam which has a few thousand students.
Awwww we're going to be like one small happy family. [/sarcasm]
I'm hoping to do well here. Then maybe I'll get to go somewhere else to continue my degree. Nothing against Johor, but it just ain't PJ, ya know. [/spoiled brat]
Oooh I saw Hellboy today. Some insane white guy decided to have rice with gallons of curry and no water/drink to wash it down. I turned around to leave and saw him breathing really hard and swallowing food forcefully. He looked so red that he was almost blue. Nahh he was not choking.
I think.
Since we're on the topic of food, have you ever bought something you don't feel like eating just because the guy behind the counter is utterly hot?
Day before yesterday, I was wandering around KLCC's food court, undecided on what to eat. It was 11:30am and I haven't had breakfast. I thought of getting the supersized Big Mac just to see how big it really is but then thought better of it. So I started walking around and stopped right in front of this stall selling waffles and drinks. First thing that came to mind when I saw the honey glazed waffles with ice cream on top was "Euggh, I'm gonna throw up so bad that I might have tobraid my intestines to stop the Vomitgra Falls." Waffles are a no-no when you're on an empty stomach. Then suddenly...
BILF : Good morning miss. What can I get you? *perfect 10 smile* Me : *looks up. astounded. has hormonal thoughts running through head* I'd like to have you with icecream on top. *clears throat* Uhmm..I'd like your waffles with two scoops of ice cream. TWOSCOOPS?! ARE YOU CRAZY!! Errr make it one scoop. Did I just say YOUR waffles??!! BILF : *smiles again* That'll be 5.20 Me : Holy fruitcake. 5.20 for bloody waffles???!!! Here you go. *hands in 10 dollar note.imagining dad giving lecture about the value of a dollar and arguing with him about the fact that the guywas worth the 5.20. has thoughts of getting chased out of the house.* BILF : Thank you. *adoringly smiles again* Me : *starts having suicidal thoughts*
*BILF= Barista's I'd Like T-....this is too nasty for me to even type.
So I got the damn waffles. Felt like crap after that. Seriously, attractive people are powerful.
Ignoring the inaccurate bits of the movie, (the fact that Edward flies instead of running real fast) I am excited. First off, when Robert Pattinson was chosen to play Edward, all hell broke loose. No one was quite happy with the choice. Firstly because, Rob Pattinson is this guy.
There goes every fan girl fantasy
Despite the hate, I was still optimistic. Maybe he's a really really good actor. Besides, this guy played Cedric Diggory [Harry Potter and The Goblet Of fire]. I remembered when the movie first came out, no one and I do mean NO ONE gave a goose about Harry. All they talked about was about the guy that played Cedric. How hot he was. How it was a shame he had to die. How stupid can he be for getting lost in that stupid maze, why, can't he just make a compass appear with his stupid wand and get the whole shindig over with.
All I'm saying is, the guy CAN be hot.
Anyway, yes, all this does sound a bit shallow. But blame the bloody Twilight book. The author said Edward is the most beautiful looking vampire, porcelain skin, deep eyes, soft hair, perfect lips, well sculpted jaw yada yada yada. Its her fault we have all this expectations and no one can blame us for expecting our expectations to be met.
Yeah...I don't quite get the last sentence either.
The freaky thing is, to me, Rob Pattinson looks like an Edward. Its a wonder what make up can do to you.
Although, yes, some fans are still complaining. The thing is, nothing beats our imagination. The whole movie would look a million times better in our head. There's nothing these people can do to wholly satisfy us. For now, I'm happy with how things look so far. Can't wait for it to premiere at the end of this year.
I've always thought that choosing the right course would be the only annoying part in setting up a foundation for your future.
Clearly, I was dead wrong.
About a few weeks ago, I've made up my mind that I wanted to do Accounting. STPM was totally out of the question. I have no confidence in it and just the thought of going back to school is uninspiring enough as it is.
Therefore the next (cheaper) option would be pursuing a diploma in UiTM. Tough luck, I was not chosen. Then I half heartedly filled in my "e-rayuan" not hoping for anything.
Later, my dad wanted me to do CAT at Sunway University College. A bit pricey, but its a professional course and is recognized worldwide. The catch would be, you have to be really really good in order to finish your ACCA in 2 years time or else you'll be stuck for god knows how long. The more times you fail, the more you have to pay. In pounds, mind you.
So, I thought, what the heck, I'll just mug my ass off.
Then suddenly I received an offer letter last week from Tenaga Nasional University to do Foundation in Accounting. Everyone thought this was a great opportunity. Tenaga Nasional is one of the biggest company in Malaysia. The accounting degree in this university is recognized by the MIA. Do well enough, they'll give you a job right after you graduate at the company. All sounds great and dandy, until I found out that the university's foundation course is only recognized at that university and nowhere else. Meaning you can't pursue your degree elsewhere. This sucks because UNITEN is in Pahang. Like in the depth of Pahang. If I were to study there, I would have to spend 5 years in Pahang.
No effing way.
So I told my dad about this and he said I won't have any other choice then to do my CAT at Sunway. We were back to square one. Then, just last night I had a dream that I was going nowhere with my CAT exams. I was failing like mad. I was scared shitless. I got up and was like "I don't think I would be able to do CAT." Then I quickly logged on my computer to check the status of my "e-rayuan." I have no idea how, but I managed to get a place at UiTM's Larkin Campus in Johor Bahru for Diploma in Accounting. I guess I was a tad bit relieved.
Now, we'll just see what happens.
Although, the only thing thats bothering me is if I were to be away for a couple of months without any internet connection, would my email be terminated? Hmm...
Isn't it sad that youths these days care more about about their Facebook rather then where they would be in 10 years time.
Anywho, if I am going to Johor, then I would most probably miss the Olympics.
I would also miss Jared Leto hosting the MTV Asia Awards in Genting.
Ahh well, education is important. Jared Leto is equally important too but I'll secretly stalk him right after I finish this whole thingamajigg.
Oh oh and one more thing. To all you three and a half readers out there, please please do NOT listen to "The Cab." Its a band not But anyway, yes, stay away from them. They're mine. I don't want them to be famous because then they'll turn out to be like Panic! At The Disco.
Ooh, I'm sorry, its Panic At The Disco..without the "!". My bad, boys.
I know, its selfish and a tad stupid (since I've already told you the name of the band and you're itching to google them) but they're so good and so unknown at this part of the world. It would be devastating having 13 years olds humming to "One of THOSE Nights." Such a good song that one.
A reminder for the kids out there, leave this band alone and I shall refrain from stabbing Joe Jonas and Miley Cyrus.