Monday, March 31, 2008
This past two days, I have been trying to spend the time I have doing something that will benefit myself and the people reading this blog. I decided to watch some movies. Movies that I have missed because I was too busy studying or was too damned to bother.
I managed to catch a few. I picked movies based on well, nothing really. Just anything that pops in my head at that moment. Now I'm going to review each movie so that I'd have something to write here and you'd have something to read about.
The Chumscrubber

Jamie Bell. Jamie was the sole reason why I wanted to watch this movie. It turned out to be okay. The movie isn't something that I'm familiar with. The genre [dark, black comedy] was something different. I'm not going to write a synopsis of the movie because whats the point of imdb then. Overall, its a good movie. Enjoyable, for me atleast. Simple storyline but has deep intermissions along the way. [6/10]
The Simpsons Movie

The Simpsons will always be my favourite cartoon, even 5 or 10 years from now. This movie just seals the deal. Its freakin funny. It has my type of humour in it. Stupid and random. Maybe thats why I can relate and understand it so well. A must watch, even if you hate cartoons. [9/10]
Unaccompanied Minors

This movie had a really bad rating. Why? Because it was rated by 40 year old
Critics aside, the movie is not the best christmas hit out there. I don't recommend people between the age of well, if you'd hit puberty then you should probably avoid this. But if you're like me and sometimes enjoy easy-on-the-brain humour, then go ahead. The actors are pretty good. Storyline's a bit dry but you can't expect much from a movie who's target audience are 7 year olds. I thought it was okay. [5/10]
She's All That

I'm a chick, sue me. I couldn't resist not watching this movie. Then I kinda regretted it because for a romantic comedy, it was pretty crap. I didn't have any expectation for this movie and it still came out short.No humour, no chemistry, no respectable cheesy moments, everything was just bland. It didn't help that all the actor/actresses looked awkward in the movie. Paul Walker's "kayu" acting didnt help either. Ahh well. The only thing I liked was the ending and I don't mean it in a bad way either. The ending was funny and I laughed. A bit. [3/10]
Billy Elliot

This movie has become one of my all time favourites. I know its old and has probably been aired on tv a thousand times but god knows how I still manage to miss it. I finally managed to watch it and was mesmerised, seriously. Whoever picked the soundtrack and music played throughout the movie is a genius. Everything was just perfect. The parts thats supposed to make you sad made me almost want to cry and the funny parts made me laugh. Then there were the weird parts, maybe not weird but just something out of the blue which caught me by suprised. Even the suprise was likeable. All in all, great movie, great acting of course who can forget that. The only thing bothering me was the accent. It sounded way English.
Ahaha thats funny
But you get my point. [10/10]

Oh jeez, Superbad was supergood. Ok fine, thats superlame. But seriously, this movie has become a cult favourite, everyone seems to like it, even the bloody critics, so I thought okay, I might really hate the movie. Usually my taste differ from the critics. I was suprised. The movie, despite the overused geek theme, is hilarious. The actors are good because you actually believe that they talk like that. Some lines even felt like it was impromtu. Nothing felt scripted. This movie, in my opinion is way better than American Pie. I loved it, from the start till the end. [10/10]
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Looking for a non cheesy, actually makes you think, touching, sad and happy love story? Well look no more. I just finished watching this movie and its still got me thinking. Its cleverly done. A little slow and confusing at first, but as you get into it it'll blow your mind. Well, it blew my mind and usually love stories don't do my mind. This is one intelligent movie. As you watch it again and again you'll start seeing it differently and everytime you do that you'll like it even more. [9/10]
That is all for today. I actually wanted to write more about my thoughts on Jamie Bell being the greatest young actor this millenium and about my thoughts on movie/album review but my butt's kinda sore from all the movie watching and err blog typing so..maybe next time.
Labels: jamie bell, movies
I preached @ 10:00 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Today was spent doing pointless things. How pointless you might ask. Well, so pointless that I purposely picked a fight with a JB (Jonas Brothers) fan. I don't know how old she is but she's heck annoying.
9 years old is my best bet.
According to her the song "Year 3000" is JB's song. Usually I would just grab a cookie, close the page and go read a book or something. Instead I disagreed with her and said that it was Busted's song. They wrote it and its theirs. JB obviously ripped it from them.
The original "Year 3000" makers
She got sooooo pissed off!!
So this went on back and forth. I won, obviously. She was all like "Whatever. I like JB's version better." Then I decided to wander off to Youtube and stumbled upon another one of JB's videos and this one for the song "What I Go To School For."
JB changed the lyrics so that it was more pre-teen friendly. Instead of having the hots for a teacher they turned that song and made it into a pathetic soppy pre-pubescent love sick "omgthisgirlfromseniorclassissolikehot"
Just imagine, I grew up listening to Busted. They are not a good band to begin with but you have to admit, their songs are quite catchy. They were British, so they weren't on MTV all the time. I was 12 and Busted got me laughing at their humour. 6 years later, JB showed up and practically sang the same thing and got famous for it. What cheeses me off is that JB never even once aknowledge the fact that some of their songs are taken from another band's because if they did their ignorant fans would not waste their time arguing with me.
Err..what I meant was I would not waste my time arguing with them.
Cheese crackers, they're not even good looking to begin with:

The most atrociously famous brothers at the moment and they're not even hot. How am I supposed to fantasize? Especially the one with the most hair on his head. Its obvious that he lacks hair at certain parts of his anatomy. So big bushy hair on the head is an ego booster.
I'm sorry. That was pointless, I know.
Labels: busted, jonas brothers, pointless, year 3000
I preached @ 5:28 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I decided to add some colour to my blog.
Hmm I may have gone a little overboard.
Or maybe not.
Labels: blog, colour
I preached @ 6:16 AM
Fuck it.
Why is everyone losing so much weight??!! Is there some sort of weight lost machine that I am not aware of???!! Like "To Lose 100 Pounds in 10 Seconds."
Use a bomb and blow yourself up, goodluck.Seriously. Every person I know, who just came back from National Service looks either bald or bloody thin. This family friend of mine lost 16kgs during his NS stint in Sarawak. I accused him of missing his mommy. He didn't say much. Well why should he?? He looks like a stud. Studs don't talk. They just look at you and make you feel like you haven't lost any weight.
My point is, don't they get fed as much as we do during NS? Fine, for anyone who's curious we have 6 meal times in a day. Yes, 6. For me its like 2 or 3 because 6 is just...over the top. Like any other trainees we complain about the food. The taste, the texture and the fact that there's too much of it in a day. We dubbed PLKN as "Pelatih Lantak Untuk Negara" because all we seem to be doing is stuffing ourselves with food.
Now, what was I ranting about again??!!
Food, lots of it, people losing weight, 6 meals, stud, fuckOther than weight loss, everyone I know seems to be driving. I was walking aimlessly and saw my 18 year old neighbour driving a Kelisa. She smiled and we chatted for a bit.
Me : Where are you going?
She : Petronas
Me : Oh, I'm going to Petronas too.
We're going to the same place...differently.
She : Loser can't drive.Me : Show off.Those in italic were probably what we would've said if either one of us had special mind reading powers.
Am I the only one who's not excited about driving? Whats so cool about it? You're a highway short from a car crash. You're driving on MALAYSIAN road with MALAYSIAN drivers. Drowning yourself would be less painful. Yes, I'm such a pessimist. I look at a glass half filled with water as "There could be ecstacy in it." So, driving is not in my "To give a flying cheese about" list. But mom wants me to go for driving classes. So..can't say no to mom.
Speaking of mom, I remembered the day she went to visit my camp for some sort of family day. She brought literally a bucket of meatball spaghetti and passed it around for my other friends to have a taste. They weren't allowed to just taste, they had to eat a whole plate. I saw one of them trying to wash it down with chocolate milk.
She spent quite a while in the toilet that day. Then I told my mom that some of these kids haven't tasted spaghetti in their life and my mom just...laughed.
I know, thats not very nice of her.
Other than that, family members have been pushing me to take up Accountacy stating that we lack accountants in Malaysia. So what? They think I, Sheila, the math nazi with no basics in accounting and has dreams to date a vampire could solve that problem? Accountacy is soooo not my forte. Neither is driving but hell, if they keep pushing I might just take it because I have no idea what I want to do.
Other than that, I was browsing through my documents earlier and stumbled upon this half assed essay of mine. It was written during the inter-class debate last year. We had a pretty playful topic, nothing serious or..important. Despite all the crap I wrote, I think we won that round.
"Day Is Better Than Night" [goverment]
Firstly, there's a lot of things you can do during the day. You can go fishing at the nearby lake while doing your Add Maths homework using a solar powered calculator. Try doing this at night. Fishing at the nearby lake at 11pm. Are you kidding me? Doing your Add Maths homework in the dark? Seriously? And please,don't get me started on the solar powered calculator. Teenagers aside, what about the kids? What if there's this kid who wants to ride a bike? At the park, and buy a strawberry ice cream from the ice cream man. Do you think his parents would let him out at 10pm? Riding a bike at night is dangerous for kids. Riding a bike at night at the park is even more dangerous. Ice cream man selling ice creams at night is just creepy.
See how simple activities are impossible to do at night. What about the way around? What do people normally do at night? Lets see...they sleep. Can we do this in the day? Lets see...yeah, I think we can. Therefore, its proven that life is well spent when the day is bright and the sun is up.
On to my second point. Have you ever noticed that when you replace the word day to night, it can make a sentence sound very different to what it really means. It makes it sound very..suggestive. For example. A teacher comes up to you and he says "I want you in my office, today." But what if the teacher says " I want you in my office, tonight." Suddenly, you start thinking twice before going to his office. Okay fine, maybe thats a little far fetched. But do you get what I'm trying to say here. People naturally associate negativity when it comes to night. "Don't go out at night." "Don't stay up late at night." We have all this rules that we need to follow, as soon as night comes which is not fun at all.
But what if we change night to day. "Mom I'm going to spend the day at Jon's house." Mom would normally reply "Okay. Come home early." Instead of "Mom, I'm going to spend the NIGHT at Jon's house" and Mom would instantly reply "Don't try to be funny, young lady." See how mom reacted? Without even making sure, she already assumes its going to be something bad. Aside from that, what goes through your mind when I say "One Day Stand." Doesn't it sound like a peaceful demonstration of people's right to..stand? Compared to One Night Stand which has a completely different meaning that I shall not dwell about here. You see, people have this feeling of peace and comfort when something has to be done in the day. But if it was at night, they get paranoid and terrified. An occurence that is unexplainable but enhances the statement of the day being worthier than night.
Lastly, I would like to confess something that has been nagging me for quite some time. It has come to a point where I think majority of the people would agree with me on this one. I put up a poll online just to make sure. 95 percent of the people that voted agreed with me. The other 5 percent were probably 6 year olds. But that aside, let me tell you that after years of thinking this through, I personally think, that "Baywatch wouldn't be half as interesting if it was filmed during the night."
Seriously, can't believe we won that one.
Labels: 6 meals, driving, food, spaghetti, weight loss
I preached @ 2:36 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
I've Been Nationally ServicedGahh hahahaha that sounds so wrong!!
But yeah, just came back from National Service about a week ago. The second batch will be leaving tomorrow and here I am missing the anticipation I felt the day I had to leave for camp.
I won't go into details about everything, but one things for sure NS is one experience I shall never forget. It wasn't a bed of roses but it wasn't a settee' of thorns either. Bittersweet with a tinge of lemon and a bucket of cheesy wedges would come close as an expression about the whole experience.
Frankly, I hated it at first. Who wouldnt? Didn't know anyone. Wasn't interested in knowing anyone. Teachers were..well, teachers. We hate them for no reason. Just the thought of spending an entire 2 months there felt like fresh hell. I hated the dorm, the walkways, the eating hall, the bloody man made pond and those damn ducks.
But just as I got to know people, been to classes, did several activities all the fun started to kick in. I was tired but I told myself that 359 others are tired too and that instantly made me feel a lot better. I met a lot of interesting people. Some of them nice, weird and a couple of fries short of a happy meal.
Had crushes too and I think that made it a whole lot more interesting. We were like kids in a mall with no parents and lots of candies. Hyper would be an understatement.
Downside though, there were a lot of fights. Between races between states. Huge egos were a huge problem. Guys who think they're all that. Guys who think they know everything. So I decided to give one of them a piece of my mind. I didn't say anything much but I gave him a brief intro on gay sex and the fact that I found it strangely beautiful. Scared the living shit out of him.
Ahh good times.
But at the end of the day, everything turned out good. Those guys were crying buckets. Everyone didn't want to leave. It was sad, but it had to happen. I will cherish NS, thats for sure.
Ok ok, I know you guys must be wondering "Where's the laughing at Sheila parts?" Since I'm nice, I'll give you a story to laugh about.
[A story to laugh about]
So there's this boy. His name is Danny. We met during Character Building class Module 2. He was in the same group as I was and we sort of became friends. He's really friendly, really nice, witty, sarcastic and well okay, the guy's hot. After CB class ended, I saw him less and less. We rarely talked but when we do its just...magic. So anyway, towards the end we started seeing a lot of each other.
One night, right after some night speech he came up to me and was like 'Can I have your number?"
Oh goody, he's making a move on me.
Then like, the night before we were leaving he was like "Can I have a picture with you? For memories."
Ok, the guy is seriously in love with me. [
These are the times where I need my bff's to slap me across the face and tell me to SNAP OUT OF IT!!]
Then the next morning when all of us Selangor-ians were about to board our buses, we talked a bit more. He's from Perak so his bus was due to leave a little later. So, we chose a spot and thats when he told me how he felt.
"Sheila, I really really think of you as my sister."
Labels: cheesy wedges, danny, national service
I preached @ 6:37 AM