Sunday, May 20, 2007
Mid year is finally over.
Well, not exactly since the last paper is Add Maths 1 and its on Monday.But its over to me. I shall breathe and rant again. This time I can't believe two of my favourite artist suck live. Maroon 5 and Avril Lavigne shall go down in history as :
"Artist That Makes Good Songs But Has The Tendency To Make Them Sound Like A Pin Is Being Pierced Through Your Ears Live."
Hurts I tell you. It doesn't make sense because I love their music, their songs but when its sung live I keep asking myself why do I even listen to the songs in the first place. When singing, Adam sounds like he's wearing extra tight thongs and Avril sounds like she's just lost her inhaler.
Even Joel sounds so much better live.
So anyway, I managed to persuade my dad to take me to watch the Manchester United match in Malaysia. He, SUPRISINGLY, said okay. You know my dad, a simple grunt of approval usually means I can do whatever the hell I want. How awesome is that? Its like watching your favourite band, times ELEVEN! Controversies and misunderstanding aside, I'm glad Man U is coming down here to play. Not just because I'm an avid MU fan who doesn't bloody care about the asia cup or FAM president geting fired but its because I feel we as a community should understand the importance of social err well..
I guess I am an avid Manchester United fan who doesn't bloody care avout the asia cup or FAM president getting fired.
I know most of the people thinks that the only reason MU is coming down here is just to collect our money and go. Seriously, is that a bad thing? WE give them the money. They take it. There's nothing more to it. Yes, they are a bunch of greedy money minded fan's bank abusing club, but we're giving them the money. We burn our OWN pockets just to seem them play. Isn't it our right to do so?
Yes, I would play RM200 for a ticket to watch them even if it means taking it from my bank account which would undoubtedly be RM200 less.
I have been practising a lot of Maths lately.So, lets stop the arguing and enjoy our football peacefully.
Other than that, I can't believe I wrote about Pete Wentz for my mid year english exam paper. The title was "My Idol" and for some bloody reason, I was humming Thanks For The Memories [I shall not abuse my spelling abilities by spelling the song the way those spelling nazi's did] and a bunch of monkeys were dancing around in my head.
During the first paragraph, I initially thought it was a bad idea. Then I saw Wei Hoong who was sitting next to me and he was almost finished with his second paragraph and so I thought, to HELL with Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King, I shall go ahead and write about Pete "man whore" Wentz.
Oh don't be silly, OF COURSE I lied about his background and upbringing and stuff. I can't exactly remember what I wrote but in my story, Pete Wentz has a Lebanese mother who left the country to find a living in America staying at some run down flats he got teased in school he loves writing poetry his parents died in car crash and you know, the usual.
Just hope Ms A [who's marking the paper] doesn't go home and google Pete Wentz. She would surely get to see "MORE" than she wants too.
Other than that, I just watched the making of "Blades of Glory" and I have to say that it is a sick sick SICK movie..thatIwanttowatch!!!! I don't think the movie will be ground breakingly funny and its probably going to get bad reviews anyway [because any movie that isn't as indie as Little Miss Sunshine ALWAYS get bad reviews] but I want to watch it because Jon Heder is in it.
Napolean Dynamite sucked like a Phillips vacuum but Jon Heder was awesome.
And also because, there's one week of school left and I need to step out of the house and communicate with other living things. Though Heikki is a very good companion when I'm all down and depressed.
Heikki's my phone, you pervs.Junk rant aside, I sort of realised that I have a typical "17 year old-boys are cute-exams are wack-music is love-veggies are green-oranges are sour" blog. This is the type of blog that every high standard "I-talk-crap-about-my-god-given-land-because-I-can" bloggers make fun of. Sometimes I wonder, WHY did I decide on blogging in the first place? Oh, now I remember. It was because I used to write about everything detail of my life inside my test pad, and me being the long winded person that I am, end up getting wrist cramps and finger aches.
But, WHY?
Why the need to write about something thats easily accesible for every person out there to read. Its not like I want my mom to know whats happening in school, or my dad to know what type of boys I go for or Mr Z to know that I wish he chokes on his dinner and lose his voice. Why do I want to make my private thoughts UN-private? Like someone close to me used to say :
Private thoughts are called private because its supposed to be private---S. Azlyn
So thats when I start wondering. What if I stopped blogging? What would happen? What COULD happen?
1) Yorsh will get depressed
2) Nothing.
Nothing would happen. So why do I bother? Its not like I have really serious issues to rant about. I read the papers and keep the thoughts to myself. I'm secretly planning a murder and I don't think it will be safe for me to type it for everyone else to see.
I think I know why. Sorry for the suspense kids. So, the reason is because earlier I was trying to find err something, and stumbled upon a huge stack of test pads, all of it written fully. I got all giddy and couldn't stop laughing because I seriously thought I burned it with the rest of my Harry Potter series.
Ehh kidding la, who the hell burns historical educational thoughts provoking [mostly damn expensive] books? You gila ah?!
So anyway, I sat down and read all of it in one go.
Yes, I needed to remind myself that I was 13 in 2003
I won't lie to you, reading about my 13 year old self makes me want to slap myself, repeatedly. If I had a sister that thinks and writes about the stuff I wrote when I was 13, I would've slapped her repeatedly also. Anyway, I can't believe that I was so
innocent. Like pathetic innocent.
That aside, I guess we were all pathetic innocent when we were 13.
But there's MORE you seeBut the thing is, it made me laugh. It brings back memories. Memories that I've forgotten completely. I mean, first day of high school and I was already calling my crush a sissy just because he wears a yellow watch.
Seriously, so NOT the way to make a good impression of the guy you like.
Then a week later, the guy had an offer to go to some boarding school. On his last day, I told him that I didn't really mean it. He's not a sissy. Just a guy who likes yellow watches.
He just smiled.
That was the last time I saw him.
Came back home, grabbed a test pad, a NEW test pad mind you and I started ranting about how it isn't fair that the hottest guy in school HAD to leave.
When I was reading that particular post, [after laughing like a maniac that is] I'm glad I wrote it. I'm glad I wrote about everything that was in my mind at that particular minute no matter how stupid it was. I don't know how to describe it but its a surreal feeling. You realised that time does fly by REALLY fast. You're growing up really fast.
Sorry, I can't stop writing obvious things.
But you get my point right? Even if you don't, then
............I hate her!!! I hate her more than I hate Syazman. Atleast Syazman is not a jerk anymore. I will make sure she suffers. Make her feel half of her life is not there. Make her miserable. God, I feel like feeding her to the cute little squirrels because she's a nutcase.....
--my 14 year old self feeling pissed and acting phsychotic--