Saturday, February 17, 2007
I am in dire need of a stress free cola drinking mcmuffin munching hour. Yes, just an hour. An hour is all I need. Go grab a drink or take a nap you may say, but you see, even if I shut down this computer and smash it into pretty pieces I would still be thinking about this speech I have not yet finished.
I'm not complaining, ok maybe yes I am and I have a very good reason to complain. I have always liked writing. I like to express things through writing and thats the first reason why I decided on a blog in the first place. The thing is I always inject some sort of humour in whatever it is I'm writing.
But, its just a way for me to handle things with a pinch of salt. Like 'Oh, ha ha you fell, ha ha' type of...salt. Its not always funny, but its..funny to me.
So this speech that I'm doing right now, can't have any form of humour whatsoever because its not meant to be funny in any way. You don't make 'knock knock' jokes in your religious speech and later stand in front of a group of religious people, telling them the real reason why the chicken decided to cross the road.
So, now I'm all headache-y trying to think of something NOT funny. Trying to two write a speech with NO jokes at all. And its hard I tell you. I've never thought it'll be this hard but it is.
Okay, maybe its not THAT hard but I feel the need to exxagerate my point.
Anyway, I have had a lot of help with my speech from the Thesaurus and Wikipedia. It is man's greatest invention aside from McDonalds and slurpees. It can also be the turning point of me screwing up my mental health. I typed in the malay/arabic word 'Aqidah' and found results.
I was thrilled.
Then I decided that maybe I should try and find other words to wiki for. I decided on 'Dosa' which easily translates to 'Sin' in english but I thought maybe wikipedia would give me a better word or translation. So I searched for 'Dosa' and this is what I got:

This continued with me wikipedia-ing for:

I guess the obvious sign of someone losing their mind is hunger.
I preached @ 6:34 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007

Do you sense some gay vibe coming from him, or is it just me?
Truthfully speaking, I'm hooked on KYLE XY. So hooked that I've downloaded the entire season on my computer and watched it last week. When I first saw the ad, I never really planned on watching the show because it just seems so childish and boring. Even after I watched the first episode, I felt like it was going to be one of those cheesy cliche's 'lost-boy-finds-family-gets-in-trouble-happy-ending' type of story.
I mean, The OC much??
The only reason I gave the series a chance is because the lead actor is well, despite blasting me gay vibes everytime I see him, is totally and I'll quote Lisa 'Ooh La La.' Thats why, being the pathetic loser that I am, I downloaded the entire season just to watch the guy in action.
I know you're tempted to spike my Milo so that I can die a slow painful death. But hear me out first.
So I watched the third episode after watching the first two on TV3. I was cursing at Matt's inability to act spontaneously and look less like an idiot. But after the fifth episode, it finally made sense and the story actually started to have its effect on me. You start to feel sorry for him, feel the agony he has to endure, confusion and heart break whenever he comes to a dead end in figuring out who he is. There was a scene in episode six where he lost control of his feelings and acted like a real human being with raw emotions. I was close to tears when I saw that scene. Touching, very touching. Its also very different from the highly acclamied most talked about series in the country right now.
I'm talking about Heroes, you tv-less amnesiac.
I watch Heroes too and its also very good. Thought of downloading it but my computer would start to slow down and I'll get depressed because it'll take more than 10 seconds for a freakin page to load and that depresses me. Unlike Heroes, KYLE XY has a very simple storyline. Even you missed the first two episodes its not very hard to figure out whats going on. As for Heroes, my mom missed the first episode and she wanted me to explain it to her, and I almost broke down to my knees and cried trying.
Compared to used-to-be-famous LOST, KYLE XY does not dissapoint its fans. After the first season finale, even with a cliffhanger it still gave us an answer on the burning question without letting on too much. I was satisfied with the ending, but was still looking forward as to whats going to happen next.
Season 2 will be in March and I shall delete all my OC videos to make space for the new season of KYLE XY. For now, I shall fill my Kyle-less days with stills from the series.

You have to admit, he looks good in all four angles.
Anyway, school holidays has just started. Finally!! I came back home from school today and the first thing I did was to sleep because for the past few weeks I have been sleeping at 1:30am and waking up at 5:30am which is terrible because 4 hours of sleep is NOT enough I tell you. I have to admit that once your body is so tired, and it finally gets the rest that it deserves, weird dreams start to appear.
Vividly weird.
I had a dream that my group had to do a Sejarah project and we had to stay back at a friend's house to..I'm not exactly sure why. So, we decided to walk around and found this really cool looking house. We went in and found out that it was Aaron's (some boy in my tuition class) and Wei Hoong's (some boy in my class) house. Apparently, they live together.
*think clean thoughts Sheila*
So we sat around, and Aaron was doing the bills and Wei Hoong offered us lunch. It was assam laksa and, seriously speaking the laksa was quite good.
I TOLD you it was vivid.
Then, I don't remember what happened but it involved crying babies and and some women shouting when suddenly I woke up, it was raining, I sat myself straight and laughed.
God, that was the most random dream ever!!
Moving on now, I decided to write my speech for the 'syarahan' competition that will be held at some school on the 1st of March. The speech is religion related so I have to stay away from lame jokes and sarcastic remarks. So, after three hours, this is all I got..

Thats the err title.
And it was given to me.
So...I guess Sunday would be a good day to actually
start writing.
I preached @ 8:35 AM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Picture a Wednesday afternoon,
A boy and a girl,
Sitting opposite each other,
In between a radio,
The boy fiddles with the buttons
Trying to find some good tunes
While the girl sits in her place
Wondering if she'd had finished her Chemistry report
The boy finally stopped at a song he liked
It was a Coldplay's classic, Yellow
The boy hunched a little
And the girl listened too
It was just the two of them
While everyone else did their thing
It was a pretty sweet moment
Minus the fact that
The girl can't stand the mere sound of Coldplay
Since its a sucky band
With sucky music
And sucky videos
The girl just don't like them, alright.
[Disclaimer : I'm not trying to write a poem, or anything else related to it. Just wanted a new way to explain things]
Yesterday, was our BM drama competition. Since we're the defending champions, I would modestly say that we were the clear favourites to win it again this time. We were performing 'Sabor' which is in 50 words or less, is a story about guy and married girl, married girl seduces guy, guy did not fell for it, girl got angry, girl decides to punish guy, guy got himself in husband's beheaded list, the 'other' guy dies because it was the 'other' guy who had an affair with the married girl in the first place.
Complicated? I did say 50 words or less. Anyway, last year I played the crying lady. This time around, I was the screaming lady. I sense some pattern unfolding. I guess we did alright since we had less than three days to practice.
Then today, we got to watch the continuation of the drama competition. Hands down, 5 Bunga Raya's play was the best I've seen so far. It made me laugh, hard. The acting was pretty good too. It was sooo funny. I heard that 5 BR came up with their own play and called it 'Teh, Kopi atau Saya.' Its hard to describe the funnier scenes but there was a scene towards the end where the guy who's the waiter at this stall, went up to this girl who's the customer that day (he obviously has a crush on her) and was like "What would you want? Tea, coffee or me."
Doesn't that make you go 'awwwwwwwwww.'
I seriously would not mind if 5 BR win it this time.
Anyway, after all that we went for Chemistry. I'm guessing we learned about something Chemistry related since we were in the Chemistry lab and I was not paying the slightest of attention to what Mrs L1 was saying.
Alkane, Alkene, Pantene, Head and Shoulders...Then we had BM. I had this weird feeling that Cai Li and I had to do our presentation today. And I was so NOT ready. We had to do the setting and plot of the novel, right after two other groups who were doing the themes and characters. Suddenly I had this brilliant idea to buy time. I turned towards Jonathan and Zhong Ken and told them to bombard the group members with questions so that Cai Li and I didn't have to do our presentation today. So, during the second presentation all of us worked together and "bought" time.
Cai Li stood up first and asked a question.
(4 minutes)Sam followed suit and asked something really confusing, which he repeated over and over again to try and unconfuse us which in the end made us confused even more.
(10 minutes)Later, Zhong Ken asked something sex related which never fails to make us go 'WTF??!!'
(5 minutes)Then, Jonathan asked something that was sort of similiar to Zhong Ken's but it sounded smarter and less dirty.
(4 minutes)Lastly, I stood up and asked a question which was deemed as a 'good question' from Mr Z. Yeah, I can be great sometimes and it was the icing on the cake because guess what??
WE RAN OUT OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always a good day when something goes you way.
I preached @ 5:51 AM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
The sight of Hugh Dancy in a sarong is oh so funny. White guys in sarongs are a no no. It makes them look like a cross dresser. Not a very attractive one either.
So I've been sniffing a lot of markers today. No, not happily sniffing it but I had to all because of the BM presentation thing. I had to write the plot of the novel and err whats 'latar' in english?? Anyway, four mahjong papers is a lot okay. Now, I'm all headache-y.
This is gonna be pretty short.
The End.
I preached @ 4:13 AM