Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I have to confess, sometimes I do ditch the thousands of channels that Astro has to offer just to watch TV3. I'm not trying to imply anything. The reason I mentioned TV3 is because of this particular advertisement that cease to amaze me every single time I see it. Have you ever stumbled upon this Kiwi Kleen advertisement where it has this white toilet sit singing like one of the Il Divo members?
No words can explain how I feel everytime that ad comes on tv.
I remember the first time I saw it. My dad and I were in the kitchen eating dinner. All of a sudden, this ad appeared on tv and both of us, for some odd reason looked up to see what it was about. During the ad, I glanced at my dad and he did the same. We were giving each other the 'I-feel- so- stupid' look.
Truth be told, I do tend to lose a couple of IQ points everytime that ad is on tv. Weirdly, no matter how pathetic the ad is, I would never look away everytime its on. That means, its a good advertising strategy. Doesn't matter how stupid I think the ad is, here I am blogging and telling the whole world about it.
Thats why I think the person who created this ad is a genius!!!
And no, I am NOT high.
Anyway, yesterday was quite amusing. We had to dissect a frog, or rather we forced Mrs T on letting us dissect a frog just for the fun of it. Let me tell you, it was fun. Aida had the hardest job on choosing a frog and laying it down (it was already half dead) on this tray and putting it on our table. It was hard to look, because the frog was barely alive and it was looking STRAIGHT AT ME!!!
I mean, what the hell did I do??!!
Later, all six of us crowded the dead frog just to you know, feel its deadness. We were so close when suddenly, we saw that the supposedly dead frog was still breathing. Not the one who panics, Diyana took a handful of cotton, soaked it in chloroform and stuck it on its face.
Yep, that was the end of Freddy.
Then, the rest of the job was pretty easy because we made Jasper do most of it. He really potrayed a very professional surgeon. There he was cutting the layer of skin slowly and between the cutting he was like :
"Scissors"*continues cutting*
"Scalpel"*continues poking*
"Tissue"*continues wiping his forehead*
Like a chief surgeon! Of course a chief surgeon would not stop in the middle of surgery, look up and be like:
"I don't know what I'm doing, actually."He has a lot more to learn I guess. Anyway, a good operation theater would not be historical without its fair share of dirty jokes. Suprisingly, I had NOTHING to do with it.
Jasper : *fiddles around with Freddy's organs* I think this is the testes.Us : Really?? *tries to take a closer look*Jasper : Do you want me to pull it out? *gets ready to pull it out*Lisa : Jasper, DON'T!! Would you like it if someone pulled YOUR testes out??!!No words shall be added to that.
Anyway, I would like to take a couple of seconds to pay my respects to Freddy, who unfortunately gave his life or rather his internal organs to be ogled and violated at.
Rest In Pieces Freddy.
I preached @ 3:34 AM
Friday, January 26, 2007
I hate not meeting someone for a long period of time and once, when you suddenly see that person again he or she has..changed. I know its all part of growing up or whatever, but still!! If its a moderate change then maybe I'm fine with it, but to change so tremendously up to a point where you start to wonder if you actually know the person in the first place, now thats just sad.
So now you're probably thinking that I'm going to start writing about a friend whom I once knew and she's now pissing the hell out of me because of her new tatoos, see through tops and fake accents.
Sadly, I can only wish thats exactly what I'm going to write about. Its worse than that actually. I've been saying how I want to stop talking about boys, because you only talk about boys when you're high on starbucks coffee and start to fantasize about having three kids with Prince William and opening a lingerie shop called 'Secret Recipe.'
Which easily translates to, when you have NOTHING else to talk about.
But you see, it is a about a boy. A guy, would be more accurate. Anyway, lets just get to the point so that I can sleep peacefully tonight.
So, earlier today at about 7pm my dad's friend called or rather, my dad called his friend or which ever way it was I can't exactly remember. I heard certain words in the conversation between my dad and his friend.
[Dad Talking On The Phone]
"Where are you?""Son?""Fetch him in Sunway?""Drop by here?""Now?""What?""Hah??!!"*some words in a foreign language*"Okay, okay, see you."
[/Dad Talking On The Phone]
At this time, I was in my room reading 'The Third Summer of the Sisterhood' and was all warm and tingly because it was the last part and Bridget finally got together with Eric and he was being oh so sweet and stuff, the thing he says touched me and also I can't deny the fact that I couldn't stop imagining Eric's character played by Mike Vogel in the first series of the book, how cute he looked running down the sandy beach with his red shorts, or atleast I think it was red.
This stopped abruptly when my brother came dashing in the room yelling 'Uncle Air Steward is here!!' [no, he is not my REAL uncle and yes, he used to be the chief of the stewards] So I look out of the window to see if it was really him, but couldn't see anything because it was night time and it was dark, and you can't really see anything in the dark.
Then I heard Uncle Air Steward talking to my dad outside the house so I thought he's not going to come in so it doesn't matter if I go out to greet him and stuff. I'm aware that my manners isn't something you can shout about. I have manners, I just don't apply it sometimes. Anyway, I was busy flipping through the pages and listening to Uncle Air Steward's voice. He has this really unique voice and its funny because he has this unusual way of talking. He talks as though he's really really excited about something. I should know because he was talking about the traffic he had to endure earlier and he sounded pretty excited to me.
Then I heard my mom's voice, followed by another guy's voice. He didn't sound unique nor excited so I'm guessing it must be Uncle Air Steward's son, The Pilot. The last time I met The Pilot was roughly eight or nine years ago. I barely reached puberty and he was going through his. Then I photographically remembered how he looked like. He was 15, tall, skinny legs, dangly arms, curly hair, loud and just plain annoying. I sighed, put my book down and decided to make my parents proud and go ahead and say hello since its been a while since I last saw him.
Without even pausing to look in the mirror to make sure everything is in place, I just went out to the hall. I saw him for the first time in eight years, and inside I was like,
The Pilot, my dear readers, looks like a page 4 model now. He's HOT okay, like seriously HOT. Mother effing HOT. HOT as in burning charcoal in the middle of the Sahara desert while eating tom yam HOT.
To make things worse, I looked like I've been dragged along Jalan Bahagia or something. There he was, all hot and stuff while I stood there with my grandma shorts, the most hideous blue shirt ever made, hair all over the place and just to be even more funky, I haven't showered either.
Its Friday, cut me some slack. I wanted to be comfortable and I was planning to bathe before Uncle Air Steward came but never got to it because of the damn book.
I blame Lisa for lending me the book.
So, even though the first thing I wanted to do was to dunk my head in cold water, I had to go and greet him. We shook hands, I said hello, and he smiled.
I died and went to heaven where all the dorky kids with dangly arms and curly hair are transformed into fit looking football players.
I'm not kidding.
The Pilot, is now 20+, tall, strong arms, short hair, friendly, nice smile, nice teeth, dimples and unlike he's dad, he doesn't parade around serving food to passengers on the plane, he owns the plane. He's a freakin pilot. The Pilot, is a bloody pilot. He can manouver a big ass plane.
How amazingly sexy is that??!!
Even my mom couldn't stop talking about how much he's changed. She was telling his dad how tall the pilot is, how handsome he is, how hundreds of girls would stand in line just to get a chance to go out with him while he just sat there, looking down, grinning because it was obvious my mom was embarassing him in front of everyone.
I have a feeling my mom has a crush on him too.
Anyway, he stayed around for 45 minutes and had to leave because his dad was excitedly talking about the traffic again. He got up, while I was contemplating on getting up. He said goodbye to my mom and my brother. He turned, smiled again (damn him) and said 'Bye Sheila.' So I replied 'Bye....err'
Oh fuck, whats his name again??!!And thats why I hate meeting up with people who's changed dramatically. I just ugh..hate it.
I preached @ 8:11 AM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
[ Written on the 20th of January 2007 but carelessly forgot to press the publish button]
My brother is fixing the door and its annoying the heck out of me. Yes, a 13 year old is fixing MY room door. I guess I can get pretty rough with doors. Nothing againts them, doors tend to block the way, you know..and its irritating sometimes. The lock on my door is stuck and I don't know how that happened.
Oh now he's gone to watch Totally Spies. I guess the door's fixed.
My mood is seriously off right now. I've lost my sense of humour (not that I have any to begin with) and the ability to concentrate on anything for more than 5 minutes. I'm guessing its the jet lagged from all the muffin making massacre at Lisa's house two days ago. Came back home at about seven that day, did the usuals and in the end got stuck between two tasks.
Task 1 : BM, English, Add Maths, Modern Maths, Chemistry and History homework.
Task 2 : Sleep.
I got prepared to do task 1 but fell in the trap of task 2. So I decided to wake up at 3:30am to finish my homework and I did just that. So I was trying to finish everything as fast as I could. The third time I looked at the clock it was already 6:00am.
Time does flies when you have unfinished homework.
Next day, Friday morning, had to do this campaign thing for class president, hence the muffins. My group did okay I guess, bloody well okay since we didn't practice anything the day before, or ever for that matter. We didn't rehearsed, period. I had to go and make our draw, at first I thought we were going to be the seventh group presenting, so I was kind of glad, but I was widely awake when Aida suddenly screeched that I'm a bundle of luck.
It was number two, not seven.
In the end, Jasper won most of the votes. His group re-enacted some really funny scenes which made us laugh like mad. In the end, I voted for Yin Ying.
Just because I felt like it.
Later, since Jasper's the new class president and all, he is forced to do all the nifty work that day, like clean the blackboard, reminding us to go to the lab and searching the entire school for our relieve teacher.
Hah! Nice...
So I've been thinking (yes, it does happen sometimes). There's a saying that explains, as you grow older you start to discover new things about yourself. It has suddenly occur to me that my natural curiosity will one day be the reason why I'll be spending a week in the hospital.
I'm a very, very, VERY curious person.
For example, some time last week Nad and I bought a packet of mentos and a diet coke. I had previously watched an advertisement on Discovery Channel saying that Diet Coke+Mentos = Fizzy explosion. So..instead of using the amount of time I had that day on my Biology report, I decided to try out this little myth, just to satisfy my curiosity.
Turns out the myth is total BS! No explosions whatsoever. Wasted 7 minutes of my life oh, and also a couple of ringgits. Sheesh.
Anyway, last Thursday during Chemistry, Mrs L2 was explaining about how we should go on about our next experiment. It was to investigate the reaction of catalyst on the rate of reaction. She mentioned, almost a thousand times how we should NOT put more than three drops of catalyst in our solution because too much catalyst will cause a really fast reaction which in turn could're smart, you should be able to guess what happens.
Oh well, for Yorsh's sake, it will cause a mighty explosion.
So, I was telling Diyana how we should "accidently" put in more than five drops, grab our stuff and quickly hide under the table. Diyana just smirked and continued writing down her notes, probably thinking I was making a lame attempt of a joke.
You see, I was not joking. I was serious.
But curiosity aside, my group member's lives are at stake here. So I have to put this curiosity to rest.
Its Tuesday now, and I know I know, this is not 'internet' day since I've been banned from the computer on weekdays but I just came back from house practice and I need to instill some will
power before I decide to shower and go straight to bed.
At 5:50pm.
Exactly. Its ridiculous to even think of going to bed at this time of the day. So, I decided to log on for a couple of minutes to look up some funny jokes that are funny to me. Its the only way to keep me awake.
Aren't we forgeting the true meaning of Christmas? You know, the birth of Santa?
~ Bart Simpson ~
I love the Simpson family.
I preached @ 1:04 AM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
School seems to be moving quite swiftly. Its week number two, and suprisingly I have no complaints.
Missed four period of BM this week because of the PMD (Program Maju Diri) thing. Hmm..maybe thats the reason why week number two felt like a breeze. PMD was a bit boring though. All it had were talks about our future which basically revolves on the topic of 'Your Life Will Start To Suck After School Years Are Over'.
Very reassuring.
Last Friday was pretty interesting. During Mod Maths, Mrs A2 was going on and on about number bases when suddenly Zhong Ken yelled out 'LOOK! MONKEY!'. Just to clear things up, we are the infamous Form Five students who gets the best marks in school, wins drama competitions and openly studies even when there's no teachers in sight. But let loose a stray monkey on our grounds, all of a sudden we turn into some hyperactive five year olds who just lost their entire collection of Pokemon cards.
Mrs A2 was trying so hard to get back our full attention but it was the monkey who won our hearts and attention in the end. Can you blame us? Maths are long winded and pointless, monkeys are gray and cute. I would most definitely pay more attention to the latter.
As for EST, we learned about slangs. Some I've used quite often, like 'pissed off' 'fab' and etc. Then came the exercise. Mrs C wanted us to find the meaning and/or the use of certain slangs in real life. She would state down a list of words and we had to find its meaning or when its suppose to be used. Then she said the underlined words should not be used when we're talking to each other or anyone else for that matter. Of course, some of the underlined words were 'arse hole' and 'dick head' and we had good laugh by pretending we couldnt hear what she was saying which made her repeat the same word over and over again.
We forgot to grow up. What else is new?
Anyway, last night was pretty eventful. A mouse managed to scare the living daylights out of us. Us, meaning dad, mom, bro and myself. Yes, a mouse. No, not a big filthy rat but a small baby grey mouse. The amount of screaming we had yesterday sounded more like we had some frat party at the house. My dad smartly tried to shoo the mouse away with a broom, a mop and the occasional Ridsect mosquito spray.
And here I am wondering how I managed to get 8A's in my PMR.
In the end, the mouse managed to outwit, outdone and outpowered my dad. God, talk about family honour. This is embarassing. Just so you know, we never intended to kill the mouse and because of that the mouse is alive and well, enjoying his leisure time in some secluded part of my house.
Before I go, check out something interesting I found.
The Endings of 10 Famous Novels You
Always Meant to Read but Never Got
Around To.
- - - -
She dies.
He falls out of love with her.
He dies.
He kills it and then he dies.
Everyone dies.
A fire destroys everything.
He wins.
They're rescued.
They find it.
Snape kills Dumbledore.
E-mail Addresses It Would Be Really Annoying to Give Out Over the Phone.
- - - -
Just so you know, I don't have a lot of time on my hands.
I preached @ 3:13 AM
Friday, January 05, 2007
There's this new rule my dad wants me NOT to break. Computers are only allowed on weekends and Friday nights. I don't mind it really. He's being practical seeing as there's no freakin way my online addiction is going to prevent me from getting straight A's in my SPM.
Straight A's....*winces*
First week of school was full of suprises. Well not FULL of it but it kind of stood out because I never saw it coming. Firstly, I was separated from my usual group of friends. I'm not exactly fond of where I have to sit now but I guess thats the way its going to be.
No more random chats about Mr Z's height anymore.
Then, we were placed in a different class because the Form 6's are occupying ours. They got the better class. Second floor, better ventilation. Ours is on the ground floor, surrounded by mosquito nets.
Oh well.
Price of food in the canteen has been jacked up. Okay, maybe not JACKED UP but they did increase it a little but jacked up sounds cooler.
Recess time is pretty quiet these days because its just us Form 5's and the Form 6's. Yep, the Form 6's are a passive bunch of people.
All in all, it wasn't a bad start. Hopefully, things settle down so that I can finish off this year with a blast.
Speaking of blasts, we had our first Chemistry experiment yesterday and one of my group members broke the tip of some funny looking tube.
Its always a good day when something breaks.
Mr Z assigned us into groups of three and is making us do three assigments together. Each of us will have to go up front and present an oral presentation on our topics. My group consists of Cai Li, Jonathan and myself. God, I despise this teacher.
It may be the new year, but some things would just never change.
Came back home on Friday and saw this in my refrigerator...

The chocolate tastes so damn good. Butter pecan tastes like sand to me. I don't like butter pecan. Either that or I had too much ice cream that even Paddle Pop would start to taste like expired milk now.
So, today was pretty pointless. I planned on having this HUGE update on my blog but I seem to be running out of ideas on what to say, or type for that matter.
Oh yeah, now I remember.
The 'WH' issue.
I have made a decision that I would not dwell on him anymore. Yes, maybe I gave up. Or maybe I've just had it with him and my 'liking' towards him. Its not even a real feeling, its some stupid crush and I need to get over the fact that I have a gigantic ego to deal with.
He's intimidating. Very, intimidating.
I don't like guys that intimidate me. I'm not the one who usually puts herself down but 'WH' is everything I'm not. We're different, outside and inside. Nothing could possibly happen. Nothing will happen. I don't even see the point of even trying to make myself talk to him.
This is a new year, a new beginning I must say. The last thing I want to do is continue where I left off last year. Continue something that was not even there in the first place. Its pointless. I've had my fantasies, my hopes and dreams but I've come to realise that reality is where I am now and thats what I have to deal with. Therefore, the 'WH' saga has come to an end.
Its time to forget and start writing a new chapter.
Sorry guys, I've been watching to many episodes of Grey Anatomy. Stupid jokes shall take over on the next post.
I preached @ 10:19 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007
Welcome to the year 2007.
I woke up this morning thinking that it was still the 31st of December. Must be from all the grape slurpee I had late last night. People had a countdown to 2007 while I had a major ice freeze.
Lets hope thats not a sign for things to come.
So, on to more important things. My new years resolution. The time where I list all the things I want to achieve and later laugh at it in March. Its safe to say now that I don't do resolutions. I love to go through a certain year and not be tied down with my 'rules for the new year.'
I guess the sex jokes would still continue, Yorsh.
Reflecting back on 2006, I guess it was a pretty structured year. Nothing BIG happened. Although, I still have that tingly feeling everytime I think about that time when I found out I was going to change school. I remembered being so happy and sad about it. I also remember my dad buying a Jack Lalaine fruit juicer and made us drink pure apple/carrot juice every single morning before going to school.
Thank god it lasted for a month.
Overall, 2006 was a bit too fast for me. I never had the chance to stop and appreciate, the year just went zooming away. I might've missed a lot, but I've already promised myself that I would make up for it this year. It may be the most important year of my life, school life rather but I would try and enjoy every moment of it. Everyone can't wait to finish school and be done with it but my mom always tells me that the school years would be the best years of my life. I believe her. I may not like it now, but in 20 years to come, this may be the time that I would want to go back to.
Hopefully, time machines do exist in 20 years time.
On a more lighter note, my mom asked me what would I want for my birthday.
Mom : What do you want for your birthday?
Me : I don't know...
Mom : You have to want something.
Me : Laptop?
Mom : No
Me : I-pod?
Mom : No
Me : Handphone?
Mom : What about a nice sling bag?
In the end, I told her to buy anything she wants. If she can't find anything, just continue to love and feed me. That would be fine.
Parents. MY parents specifically. They always ask what I want, and say no to everything I ask for. Whats the point of asking then. I'm not mad, I just find the whole thing pretty amusing.
[ sometime last week ]Dad : Sheila, do you want the last piece of cheesecake? No?
My dad likes to answer his own question. Nuff said.
But something weird happened three days ago. I was busy downloading songs on my computer and then my dad suddenly calls me. He and my mom was in the kitchen clearing up the bills so I thought 'Oh god, he's probably going to give one of those speeches again. The 'You're Spending Too Much Time On the Computer' speech. So I braced myself for a two hour slice in the cake tochure.
[weird incident]Me : You called?
Dad : *lowers his glasses* Sit down.
Here we go, in
Dad : *hands over a brochure* Do you want that?
Me : *looks at brochure*
5 seconds later
Me : *looks at dad, trying to figure out if he swallowed the wrong pills today* This laptop?
Dad : *nods*
Me : Uhmm..yes..I..I like it.
Dad : Do you need it?
Me : *decides to be truthful* Well, I don't really need it NOW, but maybe later..
Dad : Okay, so you don't need it?
Me : Well it depends, if I go out and stuff..
Dad : *doesn't answer*
Me : So you're going to buy it??
Dad : Not now..
Me : *pathetic mode* A.......lah............. buy-lah............
Dad : You do have your SPM and all.
Me : After SPM then.
Dad : I'll see what I can do
[/weird incident]My dad, just offered to buy me a freakin laptop. How..weird is that?? And I didn't even ask him about it, thats the weird part. Of course I do joke about it, but telling my mom that I intend to get marry after SPM was a joke as well. Joking, its what I do.
Anyway, he said he'll buy it for me in December of 2007. WHOOPEE!!! Hah, this happened right after I told him that SPM for 2007 would start on the 5th of November and finishes on the 30th the same month. How cool is that??!! I have the whole of December to violate my laptop.
Great. Now that 2006 has just ended, I can't wait for 2007 to end as well.
I preached @ 1:53 AM