Friday, December 29, 2006
I can't stop listening to 'Prayer of The Refugee' by Rise Against. Even though the clash between the verses and the chorus is pretty out of place (it does sound kind of awkward) but it its still one hell of a song.
I have a feeling that it just knocked off The Black Parade on my top songs of 2006.
Anyway, I was so unproductive today that the only interesting thing I did was sitting through half an hour watching Hey Arnold.
The malay version.
I thought of watching Jimmy Neutron also, but that would just be pushing it a little too far.
The year, as we all know, is about to end. School is about to start. More slogging, mugging and blasting innocent teachers. One word to describe about how I'm feeling as the year comes to an end is 'blah'. I don't really care to tell you the truth. I'm not excited, I'm not looking forward to it and I'm not sadden by it either.
Time flies. What else is new?
You know what sucks though, school once again will kick start on the 3rd of January. Its been three years in a row!! Three years in a row I celebrated my birthday with first day schoolwork. Its a conspiracy!! Come to think of it I should start feeling depressed right now. I mean, everyone in the schooling world is not looking forward to THAT day which basically means they hate THAT day, just the thought of THAT day makes them want to hide in cave.
I just had to be born on THAT day.
I also have this theory that I was born on the worst possible day ever. Think of it logically. People go all out to usher in the new year, parties until 2am in the morning that sort of thing. Come 3rd January, who the heck would want to 'partay!!' again? Party mood is over. Time to get to work.
Sometimes I blame myself too. My due date, uhmm I mean my mother's due date when she had me was suppose to be on the 13th of January. I came out ten days earlier!! Either the doctor got pretty low marks for his Bio paper or I was too busy playing darts in my mother's womb.
Oh well, my dad always says I should constantly think about people who are less fortunate.
*thinks about people who are less fortunate*
Wow, atleast I was not born on the 29th of February or that would just suck major beach balls.
I preached @ 7:29 AM
Monday, December 25, 2006
It was Christmas eve yesterday. My dad received this text message from his friend at about 5:00pm. He wanted me to read it for him because he's too lazy to get his glasses and read it himself.
So now you know where I got my lazy genes from.
Anyway, so I read it, out loud.
Quantity called me and told you not to call him tonight. He would declare war if you do so. His christmas message is be faithful to your wife.Now I'm contemplating on whether I should send this text message to Quantity's daughter.
I heard its pretty cold in New Zealand right now. Your mom and dad had sex yesterday.Merry Christmas!!FromSheila 'Your- parents- are- sick' AzlynPS: Quantity is my dad's friend Tommy who lives in New Zealand with his wife and three kids. Because of their terrible accents I still don't know his kids name.
I preached @ 12:53 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I was having severe stomach cramps yesterday. Its one of those pains where you can't do anything to make it feel better. Its also one of those moments where you wish you were a boy and the only thing you need to worry about is your ding dong acting up.
Whoa...bad pun alert.
So there I was trying my absolute best to ease of the pain when my mom appeared out of nowhere and announced something so...violently unappropriate.
"Sheila, I want you to give me five grandkids atleast."
What the fuck is she high? Please tell me she's high. Either that or her pre menopause tourette is acting up.
My mother wants me to give her FIVE grandkids. She's be lucky if I even decide to give her one. Oh heck, she'd be lucky if I even HAVE someone to reproduce with. My relationship with the opposite gender is not what you call fabulous. For some reason, I scare them. Some girl once told me that guys find me intimidating. I can only pray that intimidating means 'intimate-when-dating' but we all know what intimidating really means.
BOO! See, see all them boys running away.
I think that the only way for me to acually have a freakin boyfriend is when I make the first move. Heh, I can't be bothered to do that now but I think its the only way to give my mom what she wants. Kids might be pushing it a little to far but to just reassure her that I'm not gay despite saying so a couple of times. You might think that with the amount of boy talk I have on here, my mom would atleast have the idea that I'm interested in them. You're so wrong. My mom does not have a clue. She thinks I'm an anti social nerd. See? See how good of an actress I am. But she does always remind me of one thing.
Mom : You may not be interested in boys now but I know when my daughter is in love.
Me : *erupts in laughter* Yeah..right.
Mom : I know Sheila. You can never fool me.
God, the amount of denial she's in.
Me : Fine. Am I in love right now?
Mom : *thinks for 2 seconds* No.
Lucky guess.
Why the sudden interest in boys you might ask. Well, I was surfing through Myspace yesterday, stumbled upon a couple of my friends page and it suddenly hit me. My friends, people who use to play house with me, are dating. Like, for real. I mean, I know all girls ( most of us anyway ) have always dreamt of a boyfriend, someone who we like that like us back. It just hasn't occur to me that its actually happening now. Girls who always complained to me about how boys should be castrated are now in love with them instead.
It sounds stupid but I just realise the fact that I'm not eleven anymore.
I see girls who were so innocent before change and becoming into some kind of bimbo. Girls who use to have short hair now have long ones with pink and green streaks in them. The ones who used to be scared of getting BCG shots now have piercings in every area of skin they own.
Girls who use to take pictures with their best friend holding hands...
Now have their boyfriends with his hand on her ass...
Geez, slow down a bit. Why is everyone growing up so fast? Why can't they wait for me. I know I should just join the bandwagon, but where the fuck is the bandwagon??!!
You might think I'm jealous. Yes, you're right. I am jealous. Jealous of the fact that these girls are high and keep telling the world how great their boyfriend is. How much they love the guy they're with. So sure that he's THE ONE.
But then I realise, they are still innocent. Very innocent. So innocent. They haven't grown up yet. Physically mature, yeah..but mentally? Mentally they are still pretty much who they were before. A kid who wants to be happy. Be free. Have fun. Deal with the consequences when it comes.
So I'm going to skip the bandwagon for now.
On to other news.
Is it just me or does Avril Lavigne sound really boring right now. Her new song is just..oh god, save her. Where was the punk ass Avril most of use to like? Yeah yeah, she's maturing..maturing for the worst I can tell ya that. She makes better songs when she's unattached. Oh well, like they say, people who gets instant popularity usually crumble quite instantly as well.
Hands down, break out artist of the year 2006 has to be ( whether you like it or not ) Paris Hilton. Yep, there's so many bands coming out this year that I have forgotten all of them. They never stood out and all of them sound pretty much the same. So Paris takes the prize for me. Her raunchy but likeable brand of music is so irresistable. Oh shut up. She made a pretty good job of finding people to make good songs for her. So what if she can't sing like Christina Aguilera? Whats the point of having a good voice if your song is crap.
Yes, everytime I hear 'Hurt' by Christina Aguilera..I start to hurt as well and no, that is not a compliment.
Bands you say..hmm, what about them?
Sorry, but 2006 was not a good year for new bands. Maybe 2007 will bring its fair share.
I for once, hope so.
I preached @ 2:25 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Despite all the talk about me meeting my maker, no kids, I am NOT dead. Just been a bit lazy lately. Ok, maybe not a bit but who am I to exagerate?
Thankfully nothing happened between me and my grandmother. It was all good. She got pissed at times but she's sixty plus, so who can blame her?
I'm not going to go into detail of what happened last week which was themed 'My Actual Holiday Week' where it was the only time where I did not spend my holidays sitting at home rotting in front of the computer. But I have to say that last week has to be the most physically tochuring days of the year.
Yep, it beat out studying Physics for three whole hours.
Here are the pictures I took from all the shenanigan that happened. You know its my pictures because it does not look at all professional. If it does, then, what can I say..I'm a lady with talents.
1st December 2006 :
Langkawi Island
So this was the inside of the bus that I had to stay in for 8 whole hours. I mentioned 6 but noooooooo. We left at 10pm that night and arrived at 6am the next morning. I don't know WHO to blame. The Kuala Perlis jetty I guess, for being so god damn far.
After the ferry ride to Langkawi, we straight away got onto another bus and was brought to our hotel. I thought we were not going to stay there but apparently I was wrong. We need to stay there. Shopping for a day will never be enough and sleep is extremely important.
Half an hour in the hotel, we already had to get moving. I'm seriously not kidding. I never slept for the whole bus ride to the jetty because I thought we were going to get a chance to have a couple of z's in the hotel. I spent 8 hours in the bus trying to sleep but never got to it. While other people were sleeping their heads off it was just me and the bus driver. He was driving and I was dipping chips in my Coke.
Sleepy, but couldn't sleep.
So after intense shopping for the whole morning, it was about 4:30pm when everyone decided to go for the cable car ride. I was hyped because I don't enjoy shopping and have never been on a cable car before.
Its a bit small because I took this picture in the bus. See if you can spot the cable cars.
The view from where I was lining up to get on the car.
Finally got in the car. The first picture I took while I was in it and Sal just had to show herself in the picture.

The peak of the ride.
After that, I was hoping we were going to go home. Not home, HOME but home, you know the hotel, where beds actually exists. I was dead tired and so was Sal. But the 60 year olds weren't. They wanted to do some last minute shopping and see fishes above their head. So, next stop was Underwater World. Sal and I decided to stay on the bus and chat while screwing with my M&M's.
View from the side of Underwater World inside a bus.
My anti drug. It also keeps me awake.
And then, we went home. One and a half hour later, we were out again. To shop and buy dinner. Since I rested for a bit, I was quite up for this one. I saw a lots and lots of shops selling chocolates. So I bought lots and lots of chocolate. Not for ME.. for the family back home. Maybe some are for me. Sal keeps telling how good of a daughter I was. Both my parents have blood pressure and here I am in Langkawi buying them chocolates. I was laughing with her. Then she told me that since both my parents have blood pressure, I have more than 50 percent chance of getting them to.
I regretted not pushing her out during the cable car ride.
The next day, after packing and having our breakfast we were off to the jetty. We were going to go to Padang Besar in Perlis. I have never imagined going to Perlis so I was pretty excited.
The jetty at about 8am in the morning.
We got on the ferry and suprisingly it was so damn cold and the grannies didn't seem to mind. The previous ferry ride was pretty boring. This one was interesting. On tv, which was pretty clear, was some French action movie. I never really cared about it at first. Then I saw the main actor who looked like the tougher version of Patrick Dempsey who plays Derek Shepherd on Grey's Anatomy and THAT got my attention. It was a damn good tv. Better than the english shit we always get on Astro. No one was moving or even talking. Very rare, I tell you.
After the ferry, we got on our earlier bus and went to Perlis. I have a feeling that Padang Besar is at the far end of Perlis because when I was listening to my walkman, and never really spoke english anymore. Sal was pretty amused by this.
Later, when we got there, I saw a lot of Thai ladies selling potato chips. They actually get on the bus and persuade you to buy their chips. Not just one or two but five or six of them will come on the same time. The bus driver never seemed to mind.
How suprising.
So Padang Besar is just another boring place to shop for cheap goods. Sal and I never really ventured there. All the time we were following our grandma who was clearly enjoying buying even more stuff. Whatever makes her happy.
After that, we were finally on our way home. Eight hours later and it was already night time.
I know I'm home in PJ if I see familiar stuff like this right here.
All in all Langkawi was a good trip. The last time I was in Langkawi, I spent my days near the pool looking for hot guys. This time it was different. I don't mind the difference really. I would do it again if I have to. Only this time, I would probably opt for a plane ride, minus the granny.
7th December 2006 :
Sunway Lagoon Theme Park
I was looking forward for this one. The last time I had been to Sunway Lagoon was ten years ago and I wasn't tall enough for any of the rides. Sal couldn't make it so it was just Nad and I.
View from the top of the entrance.

We walked through the entrance and the first thing we saw was this huge viking ship.